Ultraman and Family
by Robert Chou taken from rec.arts.anime...
If we are talking about guest appearances... Here is some stuff
I'd like to add. Feel free to correct, this is based on what
I have seen and read:
- Ultraman (Original)
Zoffy showed up on the last episode to take the wounded Ultraman
back to their planet. First appearance of Zoffy.
- Ultra Seven
No guest appearances
- Return of Ultraman
Ultra Seven shows up to give him the Ultra Bracelet. No other Ultra
- Ultraman Ace
On a two part episode, Ultraman Ace is about to lose a battle and be
frozen or transformed into a rock. He sends a signal, and UltraSeven,
original Ultraman, Ultraman Jack (the Ultraman from Return of
Ultraman) and Zoffy show up to help. This is the 2nd appearance of
Zoffy. Then they lose as well, Ultra Father shows up (his first
appearance), frees Ultraman Ace, but dies in the process.
- Ultraman Taro
I think all previous Ultras guest-appeared, including original Ultraman,
Ultra Seven, Ultraman Jack, Zoffy, and Ultraman Ace (but not Ultra Father).
Ultra Mother guest stars in a 2 part episode. Her first appearance,
I think. Third appearance of Zoffy.
- Ultraman Leo
Ultra Seven guest star, including the actor who plays Dan Moroboshi as
Dan Moroboshi. First apperance of Astra and Ultra King. No other
Ultra showed up, I think.
- Ultraman 80
Urian, the 2nd female Ultra, first (apperance). No other ultra shows
up, I think, except I hear Ultraman 80 fought a fake Ultra Seven, if
that counts
- Ultraman Great
No link.
- Ultraman Powered
No link (except for the same monster names).
- Ultra Q (Paranormal series with monsters)
- Ultraman (the one we Americans are familiar with)
- Ultra Seven
- The Ultraman Who Returned (Ultraman Jack)
- Ultraman Ace
- Ultraman Taro
- Ultraman Leo
- Ultraman (The animated series featuring Ultraman Jonius)
- Ultraman 80
- Andro Melos (Each episode is only 10 minutes)
- Ultraman U.S.A. (A Hanna-Barbara co-production. Animated movie)
- Ultraman Great (a.k.a. Ultraman: Towards the Future)
- Ultraman Powered (a.k.a. Ultraman: The Ultimate Hero)
- Ultra Neos and Ultra Seven 21
- Ultraman Tiga
Ultra Zeos |
For More Ultraman info go to :
Gohan's Page
Joe Sewell's Ultraman FAQ
James Wood's Ultraman info
SF TV program Sites
For an ABC of ultraman go here --> http://www.urbangroove.com.au/ultramanabc/index2.html
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Author: Black Tauna
[email protected]
Last Updated: 2-7 2000